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Introduction To Samtola

2 Students enrolled
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Equipment: Samtola

Recommended Rep Range  12-15

Sets/Rounds: 3-4 

Follow each movement back to back to finish 1 set/round.

This course will help you get started on your Samtola training. Although the Samtola is referred to as the traditional Indian barbell, its weight distribution is very different to the barbell. Movements in this course will help you understand how to use the Samtola in your workout routines and add a new dimension to your training. Samtola provides an excellent option for you to add elements of rotational strength and cross body movement training. The Samtola helps you in learning how to generate power ground up. 

The Samtola will help you work on conditioning, balance, stability & strength. The movements in this course will also help you unlock rotation, tight hip flexors and stiff back. All that stiffness from hours of sitting can be undone by following these simple movements with the Samtola. Master these movements before moving on to our advanced courses and movements with the Samtola.

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  • You represent and warrant that you are at least thirteen (13) years of age or older, or are visiting the Site under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
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